Make a scope for your YouTube channel in 5 minutes

Not long back Chris Wayne published a post about a scope creator tool.  Last week, I was visiting bq and we decided with Victor Gonzalez  that we should have a scope for Canal bq. The folks at bq do an excellent job at creating “how to” and “first steps” videos, and they have started publishing some for the bq Aquaris E4.5 Ubuntu Edition.

Here is a few screenshots of the scope that is now available to download from the store:


The impressive thing is that it took us about 5 min to get a working version of the scope.  Here is what needed to do:

  • First, we followed Chris’ instructions to install the scope creator tool.
  • Once we had it set up on my laptop, we run:
    scopecreator create youtube com.ubuntu.developer.victorbq canalbq
    cd canalbq
  • Next, we configured the scope. The configuration is done in a json file called manifest.json. This file describes the content of what you will publish later to the store. You need to care about: “title”, “description”, “version” and “mantainer”. The rest are values populated by the tool:
    scopecreator edit config
    "name": "com.ubuntu.developer.victorbq.canalbq",
    "description": "Canal bq",
    "framework": "ubuntu-sdk-14.10",
    "architecture": "armhf",
    "title": "Canal bq",
    "hooks": {
    "canalbq": {
    "scope": "canalbq",
    "apparmor": "scope-security.json"
    "version": "0.3",
    "maintainer": "Victor Gonzalez <>"
  • The following step was to set up the branding: Easy! Branding is define on an .ini file. “Display name” will be the name listed on the “manage” window once installed, and also will be the title of your scope if you don’t use a “PageHeader.Logo”. the [Appearance] section describes the colours and logos to use when banding a scope.
    scopecreator edit branding
    DisplayName=Canal bq
    Description=Youtube custommized channel
    Author=Canonical Ltd.
  • The final part is to define the departments (drop down menu) for the scope. This is also a json file and it is unique the youtube scope template. You can either use “playlists” or “channels” (or both) as departments. The id PLjQOV_HHlukyNGBFaSVGFVWrbj3vjtMjd corresponds to a play list from youtube, with url=
    scopecreator edit channels{
    “maxResults”: “20”,
    “playlists”: [
    “id”: “PLjQOV_HHlukyNGBFaSVGFVWrbj3vjtMjd”,
    “reminder”:”Aquaris E4,5 Ubuntu Edition”
    “id”: “PLjQOV_HHlukzBhuG97XVYsw96F-pd9P2I”,
    “reminder”: “Tecnópolis”
    “id”: “PLC46C98114CA9991F”,
    “reminder”: “aula bq”
    “id”: “PLE7ACC7492AD7D844”,
    “reminder”: “primeros pasos”
    “id”: “PL551D151492F07D63”,
    “reminder”: “accesorios”
    “id”: “PLjQOV_HHlukyIT8Jr3aI1jtoblUTD4mn0”,
    “reminder”: “3d”

After this, the only thing left to do is replace the placeholder icon, with the bq logo:
And build, check and publish the scope:
scopecreator build

This last command generates the click file that you need to upload to the store. If you have a device (for example a Nexus4 or an emulator ), it can also install it so you can test it. If you get any issues getting the scope to run, you might want to check your json files on It is a great web tool that will help you make sure your json doc is ship shaped!

It is super simple to create a scope for a youtube channel! so what are you going to create next?

Introducing Techfunder for Kickstarter and Indiegogo

Since I lead the Ubuntu Edge campaign, I have been trying to keep up with other crowd funding projects.  I am mainly interested on technology and gadgets, and I have found it hard to navigate Kickstarter, but also to have to keep hoping between Kickstarter and Indiegogo to see what is going on.  Specially since now, seems like interesting projects are evently split between them.  You might share my friction on this… so I give you Techfunder:

Get it on Google Play

Techfunder is an Android app that provides an easy way to browse crowd funding projects launched across the main industry websites. Techfunder gathers Technology and Design projects from Kickstarter and Indiegogo.

Using Techfunder side navigation you can easily switch between:

  •  Popular
  •  New this week
  •  Staff Picks
  •  Design – Popular

Then you can browse as many projects on a compact scrollable list. Just click on the project you are interested to expand into a full screen view.From there you can tell the world about it using the share button. 

If you want to contribute or found out more about it, click on the “browse” button and Techfunder will launch the project page in your web browser. When you are finished, just press the Android back button to return to Techfunder.

I am currently planning to add a favourites/watchlist functionality and looking into a way to select additional crowd sourcing platform. I hope you enjoy it!

Ubuntu Edge: convergence in action

Hi everyone, I’ve been talking to a lot of you in the comments on the Indiegogo page, so I thought I’d come on here with a little video of my own computing setup.

I’m going to show you convergence. Although the hardware is getting a lot of the attention, it’s the Ubuntu Edge’s ability to be your phone and your PC that will have the biggest impact. How do I know this for sure? Because I’m already experiencing it.

For over two months I’ve been running Ubuntu for Android on a Nexus 4 phone, and even with its much slower processor and smaller storage than the Edge will have, it’s still made my working life so much simpler. With just a phone I can do pretty much anything that I could do before on my laptop.

I’ve made a quick video to show you a few examples. Remember this code is still in beta – with the final production code and the much more powerful hardware of the Ubuntu Edge, the desktop will really fly.

If you can’t see the video – click here

We’re doing great so far but there’s a long way to go, so please keep on sharing our campaign with everyone you know. You’re our best chance of making this happen!

Ubuntu Server Certification – Improving SRU Testing

Undeniably, a Long Term Support release is all about the maintenance. In the certification team, we will be focusing our efforts in the next release cycle on improving our Stable Release Updates (SRU) testing for Certified hardware.

While we get a fair amount of feedback on regressions introduced by proposed SRUs in clients, we do not hear very often from the Server community. Therefore have less idea on where to improve our testing. I would like to assume that this is because we are catching all regressions 😉 but what are the chances of that?

If you are running Ubuntu Server, I would like to hear from you about your experience with SRUs and any serious hardware-specific regressions that you may have encounter? Anything that regularly goes wrong with SRUs that we should be looking for?

Thanks and look forward to discuss more with you at UDS-P!

Going Agile: The 6-Months Cadence

I have commented several times on the 2-weekly cadence that we follow at the certification team, but I haven’t gone into much detail on our 6 monthly cycle. We have just completed the Natty cycle (normally release date + 2/3 weeks) and we are about to start our Oneiric one.

6 monthly cycles help to plan achieving longer goals that drive the user stories implemented by the team in each iteration/sprint. During Natty, we had a loose coupling between these two.  I regularly (once a month) reviewed the progress of the Natty backlog and made sure that nothing was falling through the cracks. Despite the good completion rate in Natty, it was more of a case of the user stories forming the Blueprints (6 monthly requirements) than the other way around.

For Oneiric, the certification team went into UDS-O with much better defined blueprints. This has not only resulted in better sessions, but also on well defined backlog. Clearly, there is no much point trying to tight down what we will be doing in 4/5 months, so user stories towards the end of the cycle are vague and fairly large.  User stories for the next 2 months are better understood and described.

We have been collecting velocity data for the last few months, so by asking the team to roughly size new stories and review the sizes for the “next_iteration+1”, I hope to be able to build a burn up/down chart over the next few weeks! I will keep you posted.

The value of the first contribution

Since we started the BugSquad, we had many people come and go from the mailing list, some of them show to the IRC sessions… however most of the ones that do contribute at least once (raising or fixing bugs) always seem to stick around.

It is my experience that making an extra effort to support someone’s first contribution is key to them becoming a regular member of the community. So, what are my “lessons learned” from the BugSquad so far:

  • Getting started guides – It is crucial to have detailed step-by-step guides for newbies, if you are trying to attract people from outside that might not have an in-depth knowledge of the project. For example, we realised that we didn’t have a simple guide on how to raise a bug. We had tones of detailed information on obscure Bugzilla functionality but nothing on the basics!
  • Make it simple (effort) – the more time that is needed to be spend downloading , installing and configuring stuff the less likely people are to participate. For example, we split the kits down to smaller download files, and reduce by half the amount of MBs needed to set up a running emulator. Continue reading “The value of the first contribution”